Update your
Common sense

Update your common sense

and take one step forward.



Personal Career Consulting

We offer comprehensive support for career transitions tailored to each individual, following the "Career Success Formula" developed by Kurosu Shun, with over a decade of experience and one of the top three headhunters in recruitment consultancy in Asia. We help you make the right choices and pave your own career path. Through our next-generation career consulting, we aim to achieve rapidly to increase salary and career growth.

Corporate Recruitment Consulting

Amidst the societal issue of talent shortage, the complexity of recruitment processes, including diversification and mismatch prevention, has increased the time spent on each applicant. To enable faster and more accurate talent acquisition, we leverage years of experience in recruitment industry to provide a wide range of services, including market share in recruitment, RPO, and consulting.

International Asset Management Consulting

We primarily focus on international investments, offering support and information to build your assets for more effective asset management. We use our global connections to create personalized asset management plans that suit your specific needs. Whether you're experienced in investing or just starting out, we offer valuable information and advice to help you simplify the investment process.



Empowering individuals to make the right choices for themselves.

ENIKIY believes that anyone can elevate themselves to a higher stage than others and achieve a higher level of success in life and by understanding the right choices to make in the areas of money, career, and globalism. In today's world, where the situation can change at any time, it is important to be able to make your own decisions, not be swayed by others, such as recruiters, job search sites, insurance companies, real estate companies, or even your own company. ENIKIY will do its best to support you in achieving your ideal life by helping you learn how to build a career and assets that is not affected by the times.





Job Hunting Tips for Increasing Your Annual Income by 3 Million JPY

On our YouTube channel, you'll find insights on career change from Shun Kurosu, one of the top three headhunters in international recruitment consultancy in Asia. While focusing on "money and career," he shares tips on how to increase your own market value, interesting facts about job changes, and business insights from the perspective of international recruitment companies. If you're looking to increase your income and advance your career, this channel is perfect for you to gain the knowledge you need. Feel free to leave comments and subscribe to the channel for more updates!

We also share beneficial information for job hunting on other social media platforms, so please feel free to come and join us there.


Let's Update Your Commonsense with us!
If you're interested, please don't hesitate to reach out through the provided contact methods.
"free individual consultation"is also available using the link below.
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Eliminate your concerns about "Global asset management"