
Yuichi Sudo
3 mil JPY increase
I received 3 offers from different companies, resulting in a 3 million yen increase in my earnings!
Marketing, 31years old
Sudo Yuichi


Zoom Interview with Mr. Sudo, who achieved an additional 500,000 Yen increase after his 2.5 Million yen raise

Q. Did you have any concerns about your career before taking the course?


I had some concerns because I didn't have a strong academic background, and my career had been quite diverse and fragmented.

Q. How did you discover ENIKIY's personal career consulting?


Mr. Kurosu and I have been friends since university, and I had been following his accomplishments. The opportunity to participate in a webinar led me to decide to apply for the course.

Q. What made you decide to apply?


I chose Mr. Kurosu because he is not just a young professional but has solid experience and a trusted track record.

Q.What were your concerns and feelings before applying?


I had vague concerns about how to actually advance my career.

Q. Are there any positive outcomes or changes you experienced after participating?


The significant increase in my income was the most positive outcome.

Q. How have your career and income changed?


My income increased from 3.5 million yen to 6.5 million yen, a 3 million yen increase. Thanks to the course, I received offers from three companies, and with Mr. Kuros's advice on negotiating my salary, I was able to secure an additional 500,000 yen more in the end (from 2.5 million yen to 3 million yen increase).

Q. How has your outlook on life changed apart from your income?


I think the way I use money has changed. Additionally, experiencing career stages one or two levels higher has enabled me to think and express myself in that manner.

Q. Do you have any words of advice for those considering the course (including any recommendations from Kurosu)?


I think you should take action if you have any doubts. The most important thing is to consult with a professional. There are many professionals, so I suggest considering those with a proven track record like Mr. Kurosu.


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